🌿金钱袋弥勒佛 达拉干 5.4g 沉水🌿
🌿闻香悟道🍂香结有缘人🌿沉香静舍🌿 🏺好一件 3D 雕刻,雕工非常精细 顺滑 笑容非常和谐自然的"金钱袋弥勒佛",一块达拉干结实沉水老料 满油脂 这样的料子比钞票还难找 真的。看中的朋友要勇敢的打开心胸 接受不曾拥有过的宝贝😊👍 🌻Welcome to Agarwood World showroom for Viewing and Testing with no obligation . Wide range of Agarwood Product for your selection. 🇸🇬 Agarwood World Singapore🍂沉香静舍 (Founded 2016) 🏠 Address : 6001 Beach Road B1-79 Golden Mile Tower Singapore 199589. 🕛 Operating hour : 12pm to 7pm. 👨💼 Founder : Jeffrey Teoh | 张伟杰